Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA) Toolkit: A How-To Guide for USAID Missions

The DECA Toolkit is a step-by-step guide designed to help USAID Mission staff hire and manage a research team to independently conduct high-quality research. DECA findings and recommendations will directly inform Mission decision-making about digital development at both strategic and programmatic levels. 

Women and girls looking at their computer screens. Cover for USAID's Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA) Toolkit.

The DECA Toolkit is a step-by-step guide designed to help USAID Mission staff hire and manage a research team to independently conduct high-quality research. DECA findings and recommendations will directly inform Mission decision-making about digital development at both strategic and programmatic levels. 

Once a Mission decides to conduct a DECA, it will form a Mission DECA Team, responsible for managing the process. The Mission DECA Team will hire a DECA Research Team to carry out the assessment. The Toolkit details guidance for both of these teams and is divided into three sections:

  1. Introduction: provides an overview of the DECA purpose and process;
  2. Mission’s Guide to Managing a DECA: describes the Mission’s recommended roles and responsibilities, and offers guidance on how to plan for, procure, and manage a DECA;
  3. Research Guide: details how to execute a DECA including guidelines, best practices, and templates for each DECA phase:
    1. Desk research and planning
    2. Interviews
    3. Analysis and report writing
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