Jordan National Digital Transformation & Implementation Plan

Jordan National Digital Transformation Strategy and Implementation Plan
Jordan National Digital Transformation Strategy and Implementation Plan

The Digital Transformation Strategy 2021 – 2025 (the Strategy) provides a strategic framework for the digital transformation of Jordan for the next five years. It describes the strategic changes and requirements necessary to keep pace with the progress of global digital transformation, improve the provision of government services, and raise the efficiency of government performance. This includes fulfilling the requirements of the beneficiaries, including the government, citizens, residents, tourists, private sector, entrepreneurs, and civil society, as well as improving the quality of life in a more effective, sustainable, and reliable manner and achieving welfare.

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (the Ministry) has prepared this strategy based on Jordan’s Vision2025; the government’s general policy in the communications, information technology, and postal service sectors 2018; global trends; international practices in this field; and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, in consultation with partners, stakeholders and interested parties from all segments of society. The strategy includes the government’s vision within five years to stimulate further digital transformation and the development of the digital economy in the Kingdom by relying on a set of basic procedures and capabilities to achieve the National Digital Transformation Strategy & Implementation Plan 2021 2025 government vision, including continuing to build an advanced digital infrastructure based on emerging technologies, including 5G technology, and upgrading the level of government services Digital through a central interactive services platform, which facilitates access to government services, and reliance on data in planning, decision-making and policymaking, and the government gives youth the largest part in this strategy due to the huge opportunities offered by digital transformation of the youth sector, which enhances innovation and entrepreneurship in the Kingdom.


Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship

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